Bridge Authority Commissioners

Hood River County (alternate)

Kathryn Thomas

Relevant experience:
Vice President of Business Development,
ANAMAR Environmental Consulting

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  • My name is Kathryn Thomas and I am the vice president of business development for ANAMAR Environmental Consulting. Our main client is the Army Corps of Engineers, and we ensure that permits and planning are done on time for large dredging projects. Before this I was a Navy helicopter pilot, and then I started a non-profit. I am also on the Bridge Authority, as an alternate for Hood River.

  • I think having that understanding of bureaucracy, of government agencies talking to each other, and what needs to be done by when and by who, has really given me a new perspective on the project overall.

    I think having been in the military and understanding the rules and regulations, even if they don't necessarily make sense, I think that's also beneficial because I understand how to get things done on time. I understand having to show up and do the paperwork, looking for that end result being the mission, if you will.

  • My husband and I moved here from Florida in 2021. Back in 2018 we drove across the bridge and the first time I drove across, I thought, holy schmolly, how is this bridge still standing? And then I hear stories about how we need to make a new one. For us, when we moved here, we were really excited to get involved in the community and make a valuable impact.

    I joined the bridge commission because of my background, but really because I see the benefit, for industry and for downtowns, both for White Salmon and Hood River. And the bridge being replaced, although it's a huge task, I think little by little we're going to get it done.

  • The bridge replacement is important because we as a community will benefit by having a more secure bridge to cross. And having the ability to walk and bike across will create jobs as an opportunity for both states, but really will create community between the two towns. I'm also excited to contribute to creating a bridge that is more sustainable as opposed to the current bridge, which allows oil to drop into the river through the grating.

  • I want to get the bridge completed! A lot of people have told me how terrible it is and all the bad stuff that's happened in the past, and I think that we need to separate what's happened and move forward. And if we want to get a new bridge, I think we all have to roll up our sleeves and do something about it.

    I feel as though this group of people together can make the bridge possible. The cost of the project seems ominous, but at the same time it's possible because we're all working together, across two states and across multiple different government agencies.

Interview with Kathryn Thomas

“if we want to get a new bridge, I think we all have to roll up our sleeves and do something about it.”